Transitioning from Public School to Homeschooling

Hello! Returning to the Home helps children (and their parents!) transition smoothly from public schooling to homeschooling.

We know that this can be a difficult transition, and can feel confusing and overwhelming.

RTH offers advice, encouragement, and support to new homeschool families.

Hopefully, this site will inspire you to grow and do your best for your family on your homeschool journey.

Welcome, Home.

Homeschooling Freedom

Homeschooling allows children the freedom that the public school system lacks.

They have the power to follow their passions and truly thrive in all areas that they are interested in.

Homeschooling allows parents to spend dedicated, quality time with their children while taking control of their education.

Grow Together

Transitioning to homeschooling is a beautiful way to help your child unlock their potential.

You are their teacher, their provider, and their biggest fan.

While homeschooling, you will be the one that will teach them to thrive and survive in this world.

Have faith in yourself! You are the parent, you know what is best for your child.

Enjoy this exciting new journey together.