Empowering Homeschooling: Letting Your Child Lead the Way to Learning

As I completed our basic homeschool curriculum (Language Arts, Writing, and Math) I began to worry about implementing Science and History. There's a wealth of activities we can add to our curriculum in addition to that.

Homeschooling allows the freedom to do WHATEVER you want during the day, which is a blessing and curse at times. I became more and more as I thought about all the things I wanted to do and teach my children each day.

I began to consider all the areas I wanted to add to our curriculum, in addition to our basics. There were so many things; history, science, PE, sports, foreign languages, music, coding, and dance class! There are so many things I wanted to give my children! I began to spiral.

After a few days of overwhelming research, It dawned on me that, I am NOT the one that will be learning. I am the one that will be teaching. This is the path my children are on. I am just the guide.

I did the most logical and simple thing I could think of.

I asked my kids. Point blank.

“What do you want to learn this year?”

My son fired off quickly with “History! I want to learn more about American History. Not the stuff I always learned at Public School though. I want to learn more about it. More details about it. It always goes so fast.”

Ok. I can figure that out. I added American History to my list.

My daughter quietly asked “If we could study animals together. I want to know what it takes to become a Vet.”

Wow. Okay, that was a big ask, but now I knew exactly what I was looking for.

I began to dig. A few days after researching, I recalled a curriculum a friend mentioned. Campfire Curriculum. She loved their History program.

After flipping through the website, I found the perfect curriculum. 'The Mystery of History to reach my son’s goal and Through the Eyes of a Zoologist to hit my daughter’s goal.

If you are interested in the Campfire Curriculum it is beautifully written, and we have loved each unit that we have done.

Was this the absolutely perfect curriculum? Nope. I don’t think we will ever find it perfect.

Did my kids feel like they were participating in their education for the first time in their lives? Yep.

When my children picked what they were going to learn, they felt empowered. They are excited for the upcoming school year and they cannot wait to get started.

Allowing your children to choose some of their curriculum can be a powerful way to foster their enthusiasm and take ownership of their education. Here are some practical ways to involve them in the curriculum selection process:

Discuss Interests:

Have open conversations with your children about their interests and passions. Ask them what subjects or topics they would love to explore further in their homeschooling journey.

Explore Together:

Take trips to the library or use online resources to explore various educational materials, books, and courses related to their interests. Let them browse and discover new possibilities.

Trial Lessons:

Many online curriculum providers offer trial lessons or samples. Encourage your children to try out different subjects or platforms before making a decision.

Theme-Based Learning:

Consider adopting a theme-based approach for certain periods. Let your children pick a theme they are excited about, and design lessons around it incorporating various subjects.

Educational Games and Apps:

Allow your children to explore educational games and apps that align with their interests. Many interactive platforms cover diverse subjects and can be an enjoyable way to learn.

Field Trips and Experiences:

Plan educational field trips or experiences based on your child's interests. Visit museums, parks, or places related to their favorite subjects.

Student-Created Goals:

Encourage your children to set educational goals for themselves. Guide them in establishing achievable targets and celebrate their progress along the way.

Incorporate Hobbies:

Integrate your child's hobbies into their curriculum. For example, if they love cooking, incorporate math and science lessons through recipes and measurements.

Involve Them in Planning:

Allow your children to participate in planning their daily or weekly schedule. Giving them a say in their learning routines can increase motivation and engagement.

Including a child in choosing their curriculum brings numerous benefits to their homeschooling experience. It allows them to have a say in what they learn, and they feel more motivated and engaged in their studies.

It empowers them to explore subjects they are passionate about, making learning more enjoyable and meaningful. By involving them in the decision-making process, we foster a sense of responsibility and ownership over their education.

Additionally, this collaborative approach strengthens the parent-child bond, as children feel heard and valued in their learning journey.


Helping parents transition from Public School to Homeschool.

Offering resources and tips on what to next, in order to provide the best future for their children.

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Homeschooling with Freedom: Making the Most of Your Time


Curriculum Compass: A Guide for New Homeschool Parents