4 Tips to Reduce Christmas Stress

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Oh, the Holiday Season

Hearing your children run around the house cheering that "Santa came! It's Christmas!" makes the holiday so special for parents.

We get to relish in the joy that is the Christmas Season with our kids. We watch the excitement and happiness that comes from the season through their eyes.

All the hard work that we put in, is so worth it in these moments.

But, if you are like me, the holidays can easily turn into the most stressful time of the year.

We search and search until we buy the perfect present. Or spend hours and hours creating something that we hope will be special to the person that is receiving the gift.

The time and effort that parents spend on budgeting and saving money for the season can be a challenge.

We put in tremendous effort to set dates and times for get-togethers and parties. We try our best to make it work for everyone so that we can all be together.

We want to make sure our kids get to play with their cousins, and that they are loved by their aunts and uncles. We want our children to see their grandparents, so they can share in the joy during the season.

As parents, we put in the work to see each side of the family and ensure that we will be able to spend time with one another.

But getting all of this to happen can be so incredibly stressful.

The list goes on and on and feels like it grows bigger and bigger each year. Attempting to make holidays perfect is enough to drive anyone to tears.


What is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the holiday?

Take a moment to think of what is most important to you during the holiday season.

Is it being in your pajamas all day on Christmas with just you and your kids?

Is it seeing your in-laws?

Is it the Christmas Eve tradition with your parents?

Or is Church on Christmas Morning the place that matters to you?

Whatever is THE MOST IMPORTANT, start there.

Then draw boundaries.


Do the one or two things that you love the most. And hold firm to those things. If you and your family have something that you look forward to each year, make sure those things happen.

The things that stress you out because they cost way too much, let that go.

The family events and company parties that you are nervous about, let that go.

The long drive that makes you feel like you are missing out on your loved ones, pick a different day.

Rushing from one house to another because you don't want to let anyone down or miss anyone, let some of that go.

Set the date of the few things that you want to do the most and you can add around that.

Releasing some of the difficulties that come with the holidays will help you set boundaries and create new traditions with your family.

New Traditions

It can be a struggle to keep the traditions of your family, as well as your spouse's family.

It gets to be way too much to try to squeeze into a few days.

Make new traditions.

Find the things that you and your partner love from each other's families and combine them.

Make it your own.

It doesn't have to be the same as it was when you were a child, you are raising a new family now and with that comes so many new experiences.

Combining new traditions and creating something new can be a beautiful thing. See what you can make out of both of your lives, you might find something perfect for your family.

Enjoy This Time

Now that you have chosen what is important, set boundaries, and created new traditions, ENJOY IT!

Sit down and play with your kids! You gave them all these amazing gifts, so go enjoy them together.

Clean the house tomorrow, but right here, right now go enjoy your kids and partner.

These moments are fleeting. It will only be a magical Christmas for a few short years. So enjoy the time you have, doing the things you love on the holiday.

Take out a few of the challenges of the holiday chaos, and enjoy the season with your loved ones.


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