Activity Ideas Your Kids Will Love

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Cheap and Simple Things to do with Your Kids

As a parent, it can be challenging to find ways to entertain your kids without breaking the bank. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun and free activities that you can do with your children, no matter their age or interests.

From outdoor adventures to indoor crafts, there's something for everyone.

We will share some of the best free things to do with your kids that are sure to keep them entertained and engaged. So, grab your kids, your sense of adventure, and let's get started on some unforgettable family fun!

Get Out of the House

  • Visit a park - A basic idea to get the kids to burn some energy on a nice day.

  •  Plan a play date with friends or family - Speaking with another mom who is in a similar situation as you will do wonders on your mood. 

  •  Hit the Splash Pad - Splash pads seem to be everywhere! They are so much fun for kids to go to and spend the day running and playing. 

  •  Find a Museum - There are many great museums that are free that will teach you about your community. There are others that are free for children under 2. This is a great way to share interests and excitement with your kids. 

  • Get a Library Card - Libraries offer so much for kids now! There are story times, teen events, after-school programs, and coloring contests. Go check out what events your library hosts each week. I was shocked by how much my family loved it and how often we use this resource. 

  • Go on a Nature Hunt - Find treasures with your kids on a hike or a walk to take back home.

  • Go for a walk - Getting outside is so helpful for both the kids and you! That sunlight will give both you and your child a sense of joy, and it is always fun to watch your kids see the wonder of the world. 

  • Go to your Recreation Center - Rec. centers are a great way to find classes and activities to take with your kids. 

  • Check out your Local Farmer's Market - This can be a great way to explore your community and let your kids run. Showing them what can be grown is an awesome learning activity as well.

  • Go Swimming - Find a pool in your area and take your kid for a swim! Many hotels will allow swimming in their pool for just a few dollars if it is too cold outside for an outdoor pool. 

  • Go on a Picnic - Have your children help pick their favorite foods and pack them up. Go to a park (or even your backyard) and eat lunch outside. 

  • Walk around the Mall - Malls seem to be geared toward kids lately, there are small playgrounds for them to climb on with other kids and long halls for them to run down. 

Have Fun Inside 

  • Make a craft - Kids love to let their imagination go! They can come up with some awesome pictures with just a little bit of structure. It doesn't take much to make a masterpiece!

    Finger painting 

    Color in a book together

    Staple a few pages together and write a book

    Cut lines out of a page or make snowflakes 

    Cut out small pieces of colored paper and let them glue them onto a blank piece

  • Bake Cookies Together - It is exciting for kids to help measure, pure, and create food with you, it is a fun way to teach them a great skill.

  • The Floor is LAVA - This activity can get so chaotic, but it is one of my kid's favorite things to do at home. Throw a few blankets down on the floor and play music. When you pause the music yell "the floor is lava!" and get to safety! (Pro Tip: There are videos for the game on YouTube.)

  • Scavenger Hunts - This is a fun surprise for kids to find after school or in the morning. This could end with a trip to the park or having them find their favorite treat. 

  • Have a Read-A-Thon - Set up a blanket fort, get ten books and lay inside with them, and read. This is a fun activity to do with your child that they will love doing with you.

  • Tell Stories Together - Have your child start a story, then continue the next part of the story with him. Act it out, and get excited about it! This is an awesome way to show them you are curious about his interests.

  • Put on a Puppet Show - Grab some stuffed animals and put on a show!

  • Board Games - Depending on their age, this can be a blast. There are so many games that are kid-friendly, and this will ease them into sportsmanship. 

  • Get Down and Play - Play with their toys! Kids love to show you how they play with their toys. They will create elaborate stories and ideas that our adult brains don't understand.

There are many fun and free activities that you can enjoy with your kids, regardless of your budget or location.

Whether you're exploring nature, getting creative with arts and crafts, or enjoying some old-fashioned family games, there's always something exciting to do together.

By taking advantage of these fun activities, you can create lasting memories with your children while teaching them valuable life skills and fostering their creativity and imagination.


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