Creating a Marriage that Lasts: Respect Your Husband

How many jokes and memes have you seen at a husband’s expense?

So many times we have heard and seen jokes on social media.

"My husband hides from the kids in the bathroom."

"My husband doesn't help out enough with the kids."

"Why do husbands get praised when they are taking care of their own kids?"

Many jokes and videos target husbands and make them feel small in marriage and parental roles.

These jokes and videos are a sure way to make your husband feel useless.

Speaking this way about your PARTNER is the mentality that is severing traditional marriage.

The Weight that Men Carry

Many men feel that they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. (Especially fathers).

Did you know that most men are constantly feeling like they are not good enough/strong enough/smart enough?

I know many women feel this way as well, but the difference is that women can speak on this.

They can write about this, reach out about this, and read books/blogs/social media about this.

It is perfectly fine for women to reach out and discuss their insecurities with anyone and everyone.

This is not something that men do. Men are not raised this way and we do not allow men to speak this way.

Men are supposed to be our protectors, our workers, and our fighters.

Men are raised to be tough and strong.

We tell our little boys to take care of the little girls and protect them.

We teach our little boys that they need to fight back when another boy picks on them or anyone else at the playground.

They grow up to be the men that look out for the women, the men that fight back, and the men that are constantly trying to be the best.

Many of these men do their best, to do and be all the things that they were told to be when they were little boys.

This is a GOOD thing. We want to have strong men that are able to hold their families together.

We WANT to have men that are willing to fight for their wives.

What Strong Men Need

A supportive wife.

A wife that will tell him that she is grateful for working hard for her.

A wife that shows gratitude, honest gratitude to him when he comes home from work.

He needs a woman that will take care of the kids and their home when he is gone.

He needs to know that she has his back, just as much as he has hers.

A wife that loves him and his family unconditionally.

A wife who is proud of her man.

Love and Cherish

After a day at work, when a man comes home to a wife that is constantly ridiculing by his wife for the small things:

Not making enough money

Not doing enough for the kids

Not being big enough/strong enough

Not showing her enough emotion
Not being around when she wants him

He will begin to believe these words.

Does this sound like you?

Do you criticize your man more often than praise him?

Do you ever thank your husband?

Or are you wrapped up in the lie that says “You don’t need a man, and if you have one, he better be perfect?”
If you are wrapped in this lie, I challenge you to stop and step out of it.

I challenge you to tell your husband thank you. Genuinely thank him for the amount of work he did in the yard.

Thank him for spending the weekend with your family, even when you know he didn’t want to go.

Thank him for starting the bath for the kids without you asking him to.

Tell him you are so thankful that he is and has been a good provider.

Women have list after list of things that they want and expect from their men.

They have list after list of ways that he could improve and get better at being a husband and a father.

A man doesn’t think that way. All he wants from you and those kids are to be loved.

He wants to have a wife that is proud of him.

He wants kids that are happy to see him.

Men Are Simple

He wants to be shown love for simply being, not love for doing the right thing, for improving, or for doing as you say.

Men are simple, they just want to be loved. He wants a partner, not a manager.

Your husband wants you to be on his team. He wants you to work with him, not lecture him.

He wants to hear that you love him. That you are proud of him for all that he has done for you.

He wants to see that you still want him. He wants to be needed.

I promise you if you can show your husband these things, if you can start to give him this type of love. It will change your marriage and the way you see and treat one another. 


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