House Rules

Creating House Rules is a Family Event.

Gather your family together and discuss the rules that you all think are important. Explain to one another why you will follow these rules.

Get your kids involved! Ask them why they think rules are important and if they agree with the rules that were created.

Including your children in making the rules of the house helps them understand them, and be more willing to follow them.

The main rules our family has created are:

Use Kind Words. Our home is our safe space. Everyone should be able to come home and be comfortable in their own skin here, not have their guard up. 

Family First. Brother and Sister look out for one another at all times. This means that friends, cousins, and aunts, all come second. We take care of each other, because one day, you will need to count on one another. 

No Tattling. There is a difference between tattling and telling on one another. Telling is done when someone is in danger or could cause harm. Tattling happens when one child is trying to get the other into trouble. Kids need to learn how to resolve conflict on their own. Tattling teaches kids to turn on one another while telling teaches them to protect each other.

Tell the Truth. Nobody likes a liar. We all want to be a person that others trust. We praise honesty in our home.

Clean Up After Yourself, Help with the House. I do not give out specific chores to my kids. They clean up after themselves when they play or eat a meal. They load their dishes in the dishwasher and put their toys back in the bins. Some days I will ask them to help me fold the laundry, other days they may help wipe down the counter. We have found that this teaches our children to help others when they need it, and to be responsible with their things.

Read. We have read to our children since they were newborns. They have always been great readers and have a true passion for reading and storytelling. We believe that if you can read, you can learn anything. 

No Soda. My kids do not drink soda. This is the rule I get the most judgment on. Soda is so unhealthy, adults really shouldn’t even drink it. We have always been honest with our kids and said soda is unhealthy. So when they do get the offer to have it, they will opt for water or juice.

Screen Time. Watching TV is a waste of time when there is so much for kids to do and explore. So screen time is limited on school days. My kids have 45 minutes of screens when they wake up, and 45 minutes before bed. On the weekend, and school breaks, they usually have more time to relax. We try to balance screens, but it can become difficult.

Monitor What they Watch. We heavily monitor what appears on our children's screens. They are allowed to only watch shows we have approved of and play games we have downloaded. We do not allow our children to be on social media at all either. This rule is the most difficult rule we enforce because they want to participate with their friends.

Outside and Inside. My kids have learned to respect their home by using talking voices inside, and loud voices outside. We try our best to use ninja feet inside and can talk to each other at normal volume. Outside is another story. Kids need to be wild and crazy, that’s what the outdoors are for. They are encouraged to jump, stomp, run, and play all they want outside

Early Bedtime. We have created a rigid bedtime routine. The kids will get all their things ready for bed; blankets, water, pajamas, and brush their teeth. Then we will watch a show as a family, read a book and tuck them into bed. They are free to read as long as they want in their rooms after we have tucked them in, but they need to stay in them. We have had the same routine for years, the routine has been great for the kids.

Structured rules with guidelines are important to children. It helps them understand why we do things the way we do. We will ask them for their opinion and what they would change, this makes them feel more included and validated. We have changed or removed rules after our children have voiced concerns or opinions. If what they say is valid, we will change it. They are part of the family and deserve an opinion of the rules as well.

What are some rules that are followed in your home?

Are there firm rules that your family has always followed?


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