How to Make Your Child Feel Special When You Work from Home

Life is Busy

More and more parents are taking advantage of working from home while raising their children. While this can be beneficial, it can also be a challenge to juggle work and home life with kids.

Giving your children your attention while you are working from home can be difficult. There always seems to be another meeting or part of the house that needs to be cleaned.

Take the time to show your children that they are so important to you. Making your child feel special is not complicated and doesn’t take much effort from you on a busy day.

Here are a few simple ways to make your children feel special, even when you are overwhelmed by the day.


Simple, right?

Sometimes when we are wrapped up in work, or chores, we have our frustration written all over our faces. It can be hard to transition from being angry about a tight deadline, to be happy to see our children.

Do your best not to take work frustrations out on your child.

Smile at them when they enter the room. Allow their energy to naturally turn your mood around (kids are magical like that).

Show them that they are more important than what is going on at this moment. It really is as simple as giving them a smile, rather than an unintended frown.

Smiling at your children will show them that you care that they are around.


Giving your child a quick hug when you see them can set the tone for the day.

There are days that you will be wrapped up in cooking breakfast or finishing up a project, and will want to just give them a wave when you see them.

Remind yourself that you want them to feel loved and seen.

Step away from what you are doing, give them a quick hug and tell them you will be with them soon.

This will allow them to feel seen, as well as let you finish whatever you are working on without a ton of disruptions.


Be clear with your child when you are busy.

Explain to them that you will be done cooking dinner in 20 minutes. So you need this time to finish what you are doing.

Tell them after dinner you would love to watch them practice or see the drawing that they made.

Taking a moment to pause what you are doing, and explain why you can’t do anything with them right now. This will show your children that you will take time for them, but they need to show patience at this moment.

Hold Them

Cuddle or snuggle your child for a few moments while you work. This will give them “feel-good emotions”. This will make your child feel loved and seen, even if it is only for a few minutes before your next meeting.

Squeeze your child on your lap, tickle them and hug them. These few minutes can give your child a boost, getting them through the remainder of the meetings today.

Include Your Child in Your Work

If you are trying to cook dinner, or you are working on a project at home, try to include your child.

Have them grab the measuring cup, and pour the flour into the bowl. Ask them if they can help you type (a non-important) word for an email.

Show your child what you are doing. Explain what you are working on, and ask them what they think about it.

Allow them to get involved with your work when you have an opportunity.

There is no better way to make them feel loved and included in your life than actually including them!

Undivided Attention

Create a specific time that your children will have your undivided attention. This could be breakfast, dinner, or bedtime.

Give them a time during the day, that they can talk and talk to you. This will be the time that you focus on them, and them alone. Put the phone down, no work or emails or cleaning. This should be the time that you are focused only on your child.

Creating a specific time for 15 minutes a day for your child will create a huge impact on your relationship.

Show your child, that even though you are busy, you can make time for them.


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